Louise Penny - Another Favorite Author
Each of the murders—the retired schoolteacher felled by an arrow, the death of a prior at an isolated monastery, the carnage from an interna

Favorite Authors - Suspense
Baldacci authors a number of series. I’ve enjoyed the plot and character development in all of them. However, my two favorite series, as evi

Favorite Authors - Sue Grafton
In honor of Sue Grafton’s recently released ‘Y is for Yesterday’, the penultimate book in her alphabet series, I choose Ms. Grafton as my fa

PUBLIC LIBRARIES - Relics of the Past?
With the advent of E-books, and the availability of instantaneous, computer-generated information on Google, public libraries could easily h

E-Books: Spawn of the Devil or Gift of the Gods?
As an Indie author, I have a number of reasons to be grateful to Jeff Bezos, CEO of Amazon. After all, it was his vision that turned the sta